New Speed Limit on Veale Rd
Posted on March 22, 2025
The speed limit on Veale Rd within the Village of Ardencroft has been lowered to 25 MPH, and the start of the existing 25 MPH speed limit zone on Harvey Rd as you come into the Ardens from Claymont and the I-95 overpass now has speed limit sign! DelDOT approved a resolution for the Veale Rd speed limit reduction in Ardencroft in December and just installed all the new signs this month.
Click here for map of the new speed limit zone and new sign locations!
The Connecting with the Ardens Transportation Plan recommended these speed limit and signage improvements and the Plan Monitoring Committee worked with DelDOT to identify a plan for how this could be done. The villages of Ardencroft and Ardentown passed resolutions at their government meetings and in support of these changes. The Monitoring Committee also secured letters of support from all the great folks listed below. We were unsuccessful in extending the reduction beyond our borders to the area in front of our good neighbors, Marini Produce and St. Edmond’s Academy, but we hope that our success now is something we can build off of in the future.
Veale Rd in Ardencroft has poor visibility for motorists along turns and no crosswalks where our roadways and foot paths meet. Speeds are unsafe and create a barrier for people to choose to walk within our very walkable community. We hope to continue to further implement the plan’s recommendations for traffic calming measures and safer facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Thank you to all our supporters for their letters to DelDOT!
- Councilman John Cartier
- State Rep. Larry Lambert
- former Sen. (now Lt. Gov.) Kyle Evans Gay
- St. Edmond’s Academy
- Marini Produce
- Council of Civic Organizations of Brandywine Hundred
- Ardencroft Association
- Ardentown Trustees
- Village of Arden
- Village of Ardentown
- Village of Ardencroft